Last Days of Smallville: Episode 21/22 Finale

I've been sitting at this computer for several minutes, trying to think of the perfect way to sum up my thoughts on the Smallville series finale. It was incredible!
The finale was almost like watching a Smallville movie. It felt much different than a normal episode. It was just massive and epic and just wonderful!
I go into more detail about my feelings on the resolution for each character in the YouTube review at the end of this article.
The Smallville team did such an amazing job wrapping up 10 years of story.
The story of Clark Kent culminates in this epic two-hour series finale as Clark takes the last step to becoming the Man of Steel.
With surprise guest appearances, nods to the first few seasons of the series and the return of Lex Luthor, this final episode wraps up a decade-long story following one man's journey
to becoming the world's greatest superhero.
Read no further if you haven't seen the series finale of Smallville

As I mention in my YouTube video, part of what makes Smallville such an amazing show, is the fan dedication. I'm proud to have been apart of the loyal fans that have stuck with Clark since Freshman year.
I've had people doubt the staying power of a show about Clark Kent. I even have a few friends who asked me, "Is that show still on?" To those people out there who haven't gone on that journey, you're missing out on an incredible show.
There are few shows on television that I'm so passionate about, and I don't know if there will ever been another sci-fi super hero drama as well done as Smallville. Thanks to the cast and crew for all the memories. Special thank you to John Schneider for giving this little blogger a chance to interview one of the most beloved TV dads.
I also want to thank my YouTube subscribers. They are the few people out there in cyberspace who actually noticed when my video reviews were late. Getting to interact with other fans throughout this last season has been awesome.
Please enjoy my very last Smallville video review.